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Avant garde form of relaxation 

This summer you might want to relax in the fresh air, in your garden or terrace.

The hammock is a type of avant-garde choice you might want to consider.  You might even want to take it with you on a trip. Hammocks are very versatile and can be used almost anywhere, you can also hang one in your home and enjoy the cool swing for the whole year.

Hammocks originated in the Caribbean. It is told that the Spaniards under the command of Christopher Columbus have adopted this oh-so-comfortable way from the local indians. The locals would trade their hammocks for the wonders of the old world. Back in the day hammacks were used mainly on ships

Prior to the adoption of naval hammocks, sailors would often be injured or even killed as they fell off their berths or rolled on the decks on heavy seas. The sides of traditional canvas naval hammocks wrap around the sleeper like a cocoon, making an inadvertent fall virtually impossible.

images taken from the hammack wikipedia entry;

Before you decide to buy a hammock, consider its purpose.

Where you want to place it ? Who is going to use it ? Indoors or outdoors ?
If the hammock will be destined for an adult, its size should not be less than 3.5 meters and 1.3m wide, while the child needs a the hammock with a length of 2.5 meter and a width 1.2m.

You can also opt for a Colombian hammock , which is designed for more than one person and is ideal for relaxation.  If our hammock will be hung in the garden, one o of the important factors is choosing the right color, the darker ones will seem less dirty in the long run. Most of the hammacks out there have very rich and intesive colors, for outdoors you might want to look into Ecuadorian hammocks that usually have more saturated colors and elaborate patterns. When buying, ay attention to the maximum load of the hammock, which in the case of a single model should range from 90 kg to 300 kg. It is worth to ask about security guarantee, which is extremely important in the case of hammocks.

Hammocks are divided into:

  • Classic – suspended on ropes attached to the points of contact. A key role to look for is the flexibility of the material. The classic model is easy to store.
  • With spreader bars, these hammacks  gives us a tense area and easier entry, however you must be careful when such a hammock is used by children, this design tends to overturn on restless occasions
  • Chairs -a single hanging chairs,  are large and take up less space, easy to install in a gazebo, tarrace or room. Branch or frame needed.
  • Deck chairs – seats without backs, with a hammocks, cloth as your backsupport. Good for reading books and relaxation. Easy to store.

After you choose your hammock you need to pick a frame,  Select the frame in accordance with the dimensions of the purchased hammock or frame that has the ability to adjust, with this option you will make sure that everybody in your family will  be able to use the hammack.

For the garden we can recommend wooden hammock, which nicely blends into the environment and will not interfere with a sharp color of nature. Metal frame also has advantages, in particular, it is longer lasting and easier to install.  Adapt your hammock to your individual needs through the purchase of accessories pillows, stands, etc..


We recommend this online hammack retailer;

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